Hi, Bloggers It’s a nice day to write about something which
is quite interesting. Last blog I said about Failures. And in this I’ll like
share about the countries which has a most friendly citizenship policies.
So, let’s
dive into the topic ………………….
Brazil, officially
known as Federative Republic is the largest country in the South America
located in the coast of Atlantic with the coastal line of 7,491 kilometers is the
world’s fifth largest country. It has the population about 207.8 million
(2015) citizens which and raked as the fifth populated country in the world.
Until 2010 it has the world’s fastest growing economy. Currently its economy
ranked at the 9th position in the world’s economy. And It is a
country which has very friendly citizenship policies. One can acquire its
citizenship simply living for a period of 15 years or by adopting a child with
Brazil citizenship.
an island in the North Atlantic with low
lying mountains and many rivers with the population of 6.4 million (2011). It is
the second largest island in British Isles and third largest island in Europe
and also it is the twentieth largest island in the world. Being a part of the
United Kingdom, the major religion is Christianity. The economy is also related
with United Kingdom. One can acquire citizenship is to live there for a period
of five years or by adopting Irish grandparents.
Kitts and Nevis, is a dual island nation located between the Atlantis ocean and
Caribbean Sea. It is the first island settled by the Europeans in the Caribbean
Sea. It also holds the title “The Mother Colony of the West Indies”. This
country follows citizenship by investment program. One can acquire citizenship
by investing $400,000 U.S. dollars in the real estate development and pay a fee
of $200,000 U.S. dollars. Money can buy a citizenship here.
officially known as Italian Republic located in the Europe with a long
Mediterranean Coastal line of 7,600 kilometers with the population of 61
million citizens. Italy follows a friendly citizenship policies, one can easily
acquire citizenship if he/she have a Italian grandparents. If they have any
other relations they can acquire citizenship by living there for a period of 3
years. Otherwise they should live there for a period of 10 years to become an
Italian Citizen. Else they should work for Italian government for a period of 5
years to get Italian citizenship.
These are the few American and European countries that follows easy
citizenship policies.
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