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Dedicted to my DAD..

Hi friends this my 4th blog. This blog is completly on my personal views. it never ment to hurt someone.I dedicate this for my hero, friend, teacher, guide, motivator, and who shaped me as a man, MY DAD.
              DAD is the FIRST HERO oF his daughter and FIRST FRIEND oF his son 
 Mostly there is a common fact that the boys are well attached with his mother, Of course it applicable for me too, even though I love my dad. Usually mom's will be in a safe zone, home maker. so, she is calm and shows her affection always. but dads are not so. he always in a fear about his children’s career so, he used to show his affection in a rude way to make us to walk in a right way. mom's also care’s but daddy is the most.
Every of us have a ride in his shoulder's at least for an hour. and broken or lost his favorites item's like watch, eye wear, but he will scold us at that time but he will forgive us and sacrifice his thing for saying this I could remember an incident happened in my life, I was happened during my summer vacation on 8th, I was eager to learn to drive a bike, Of course I expressed it to my dad, but he was get readying to attend a meeting. He heard it and said to wait for a while. He cancelled his meeting and said ok let rock and about his bike, it was a IND-SUZUKI model 1990. 9 years older than me. It was his favorite one and refused to sell or to change to a newer version. To my knowledge, he allows no one to ride his bike and it doesn't even loose its condition and color. As he advised me not to accelerate too much and not release the clutch fast, I did perfectly opposite to it. the bike rushed its power and made a wheeling, oh my god! Even now when I remember it my body shivers with fear. Suddenly he lifted off from the bike like the hero saving a girl riding a bike without brake (ref Ayya, Mappillai(v2)). the bike rolled in the floor and Of course it lost its paint, mirror, indicator glass and its head light too. I was afraid that he was going to punish me severely. but wat a surprise he didn’t spoke a word about the bike. He asked me, do you have any injuries? I didn’t realize this care at that time but words to say. then he lifted the bike and made some temporary solutions and asked me to try again. But I feared a lot and described the bike as beast. He understood my fear and called me for ride at his back which was evergreen moment in my life. He explained its functions and performed some crazy tricks to overcome my fear. finally, in that evening I learned to ride that best. after some months, he upgraded for a new bike by replacing the machine which travelled in his life journey longer than me (at that time). that's so, world celebrate the Mother’s Day only once in a year remaining all its dedicated for our dad.
I was always amazed and got emotional for his sacrifice and love and trust that he keeps over me. Being a middle class he tries to give me the best thing’ to me. He provided me with a good school and college for my better future. I never used the sentence, Can I buy this? I always say I want to buy. When I said so, he makes a search for the details about that.... I asked him to present me a phone during my 12th holidays. my mom said the budget should come under 8k. So, asked with many of his friends and gave me his suggestion about the phone he had chosen. well his choice never went wrong so I went for it. But It a bit higher than the budget he sacrificed his needs and got me one. I love this interest that he took over my belongings. Even though he cares me lot which also have some error's too. He never let me alone which a great plus and in some cases, it made me a lazy and made me to disturb him too much.
So, my conclusion is the parents are the souls who cares you the most. They express it always even till the end of our life. They scold and punish you so that you avoid them from others. They are working only to shape you and make your life well settled. they sacrifice their joys to make you to study. So, share everything with them don't hide your mistakes, ask them a solution. work hard to make them satisfied.... 
  Thank you for reading, if you liked this share and express your comment below.

STAY TUNED.........................................


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